Glossary E

Early maladaptive schemas is defined as long standing schemas that individuals assume to be true about themselves and their world. These schemas are resistant to change and cause difficulties in individuals’ lives.
Early onset refers to the presentation of a disorder or syndrome prior to the expected age of onset.

Early recollections refer to memories of actual incidents that patients recall from their childhood. It is a personality assessment technique in which our earliest memories, whether of real events or fantasies, are assumed to reveal the primary interest of our life. Adlerians use this information to make inferences about current behavior of children or adults.

Easterbrook's hypothesis refers to the notion that increased arousal leads to a narrowing of attention to a small number of relevant cues.

Easy problem of consciousness refers to the problem of determining the relationship between physiological processes like nerve firing and perceptual experience. Note that this involves determining a relationship, not a cause. Please see also Hard problem of consciousness.

Easy problems are questions pertaining to certain concepts that are termed consciousness, such as the difference between wakefulness and sleep, and the mechanisms that enable us to focus our attention

Easy temperament refers to temperamental profile in which the child quickly establishes regular routines, is generally good natured, and adapts easily to novelty

Eating attitudes refers to a person’s belief that cultural standards for attractiveness, body image, and social acceptance are closely tied to the ability to control one’s diet and weight gain.