Glossary E

Ecological approach to perception refers to the approach which focuses on studying perception as it occurs in natural settings, particularly emphasizing the role of observer movement.

Ecological fallacy means erroneously drawing conclusions about individuals based solely on the observation of groups.

Ecological footprint refers to the amount of land and water area required to replenish the resources that a human population consumes.

Ecological momentary assessment refers to a new method of behavioral assessment in which participants record their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors as they occur in the natural environment. Ecological momentary assessment is typically accomplished through the use of electronic diaries.

Ecological niche refers to the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals.
Ecological perspective refers to a framework emphasizing dynamic interaction between individuals and their environments; within this framework, "goodness-of-fit” between individuals and their surroundings is achieved through mutual interaction, negotiation, and compromise.
Ecological Psychotherapy refers to a model for assessment, problem formulation, and treatment planning which focuses on the Development of the personal niche in which the individual can exp

Ecological systems theory refers to Bronfenbrenner’s model emphasizing that the developing person is embedded in a series of environmental systems that interact with one another and with the person to influence development.