Glossary E

- Eduard Hitzig (1838-1907) : Eduard Hitzig discovered motor areas on the cortex by directly stimulating the exposed cortex of a dog

To Educate somebody (e.g. pupils) is equivalent to change the behavior of pupils; or with other words: to teach pupils to do things they could not previously do.

Education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through formal and informal learning experiences. Education plays a crucial role in shaping human development, cognitive growth, and socialization. Psychologists study various aspects of education to understand how people learn, the factors that influence learning outcomes, and the impact of education on individual and societal well-being. Here, we will explore the concept of education in the psychology context, provide examples, and list related concepts and theories.

Educational Consultant: is defined as someone who advises on educational planning, placement for at-risk students, and general counseling on educational placement.

Educational neglect refers to the Failure to provide for a child"s basic educational needs, including allowing chronic truancy, failing to enroll a child of mandatory school age in school, and failing to attend to a special educational need.

Educational objectives is defined as statements that describe a pupil accomplishment that will result from instruction, specifically, the behavior the pupil will learn to perform and the content on which it will be performed.

Educational psychologists refer to kind/type of psychologists who study methods by which instructors teach and students learn and who apply their results to improving such methods.

Educational psychology refers to the branch of psychology which applies psychological principles to our understanding of the educational process and children"s learning and adjustment in edu