Glossary W

Womb envy refers to Karen Horney's theory of men's envy of women's ability to bear children or the concept that men and boys experience jealousy over women's ability to bear and nurse children.

Women’s suffrage refers to the movement to get women the right to vote.

Wonderlic Personnel Test refers to the cognitive ability test that is most commonly used in industry.

Wonk refers to an expert who studies a subject or issue thoroughly and excessively.

Woodchuck refers to a hibernating animal

- Woodworth, Robert Sessions (1869-1962) : Woodworth, Robert Sessions refers to an influential functionalist at Columbia University who emphasized the role of motivation in behavior.

Word is defined as a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Moreover, Word is a sound sequence that symbolizes meaning and can stand alone.

Word association refers to a simple enabling exercise where research participants suggest words they can associate in any way with something relevant to the research, such as a brand or activity.

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