Deutsch: Organismisches Modell / Español: Modelo organísmico / Português: Modelo organísmico / Français: Modèle organique / Italiano: Modello organismico /

Organismic model the view of children as active entities whose developmental paths are primarily determined by forces from within themselves.

The organismic model is a perspective within psychology that emphasizes the holistic nature of individuals and their environment. This model views individuals as complex organisms that interact with their environment in dynamic and multifaceted ways, rather than simply as passive recipients of environmental stimuli.

Here are some key features and examples of the organismic model:

  • Emphasis on the whole person: The organismic model emphasizes the importance of considering all aspects of an individual's physical, emotional, social, and environmental context in order to understand their behavior and experiences. This includes factors such as genetics, personality, culture, and social context.

  • Focus on development and change: The organismic model recognizes that individuals are constantly changing and developing over time, and that their behavior and experiences are shaped by ongoing interactions with their environment. For example, an individual's experiences in childhood may shape their personality and behavior in adulthood.

  • Interaction between the individual and the environment: The organismic model emphasizes that individuals are active agents who interact with their environment in a reciprocal way. This means that the environment shapes the individual, but the individual also has agency and can shape their environment in turn.

  • Examples of the organismic model in action include approaches such as humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-actualization, and ecological psychology, which explores the complex interactions between individuals and their physical and social environment.

  • The organismic model is also used in developmental psychology to explain how individuals grow and change over time, and in personality psychology to explain how personality traits and characteristics develop and change throughout the lifespan.

Overall, the organismic model provides a holistic and dynamic perspective on human behavior and experiences, emphasizing the importance of understanding individuals in the context of their environment and ongoing development.

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