Facial Primacy refers to the importance of facial expressions relative to other non-verbal cues.

Facial primacy refers to the tendency for people to rely heavily on facial cues when making judgments about other people. This can include judgments about a person's personality, emotions, and even their intentions.

For example, if someone is meeting a new person for the first time, they may rely heavily on the other person's facial expressions and body language to form an impression of that person. If the person is smiling and making eye contact, they may be perceived as friendly and approachable. On the other hand, if the person is frowning or avoiding eye contact, they may be perceived as unfriendly or untrustworthy.

Facial primacy is thought to be influenced by evolutionary pressures that have shaped the way we perceive and interpret facial cues. It is a common phenomenon that is observed in many cultures around the world.

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