Glossary D

- Death instincts (Thanatos) : Death instincts (Thanatos ) are the innate drives that are responsible for all of the negative or destructive aspects of behavior. Death instincts refer to the unconscious drive toward decay, destruction, and aggression. Moreover, Death Instinct is the instinct that has death as its goal. It is also sometimes called the Death wish.

Death qualification refers to the special jury selection process that occurs in capital cases with the purpose of excluding jurors who would not be able to weigh the evidence fairly because of their "death penalty attitudes "

Death rates is defined as the numbers of deaths among members of a given population group divided by the total number of those in the group which is often expressed as some number of deaths per 1,000 or 100,000 individuals

Death seekers are individuals who clearly and explicitly seek to end their lives.

Death system refers to the formal or informal structure that every society employs to mediate between death and its members which is composed of specific elements designed to perform particular functions. Death system is also defined as the collection of rituals and procedures used by a culture to handle death.

Death-qualified jury is defined as a subjective feeling of being overstimulated by a loss of privacy or by the nearness of others, especially when social contact with them is unavoidable.

Death-related language refers to speech that employs language about death to describe or intensify talk about subjects that have nothing to do with death

Death-related practices refer to familiar routines, procedures, and actions that follow from or are related to death-related encounters and actions